How to adopt the world's best
business practices and achieve superior performance.
This book shows how benchmarking can help your organization
achieve the highest levels of quality and excellence by
incorporating the best and most successful global practices in
the key processes on which your business is run. Effective
benchmarking for achieving business superiority involves:
analyzing your own operations;
identifying the practices followed by industry leaders;
identifying the performance gap; and
adopting the "best of the best" practices in
your own company.
Building upon material that has never before been published,
world-renowned authority Robert C. Camp has produced this
authoritative guide for successful benchmarking which provides a
new focus on the leadership and management aspects of
benchmarking, including:
A number of powerful new case histories of Malcolm Baldridge
National Quality Award-winning organizations illustrate how
today's leading corporations conduct their most productive
benchmarking projects.
The payback of an effective and successful benchmarking
process is tremendous: greater productivity, competitive edge,
world-class quality and superior performance.