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Top 16 Options Trading Strategies -- Simplified
Powerful Strategies for Bullish, Bearish and Sideways Markets
Ashish Singh Top 16 Options Trading Strategies -- Simplified : Ashish Singh : Vision Books : Book (ISBN: 8194727553)
Pages: 224
Price: Rs. 399
Format: Paperback
ISBN13/10: 9788194727552 / 8194727553
Availability: Yes
Published in 2025
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Table of Contents

Discover and Master 16 Powerful Strategies for Trading Options in Bullish, Bearish and Sideways Markets
– and when and how to use each one

This book is your ready-reference guide for trading options in different market conditions. Starting with the essentials, it helps you master16 popular and powerful options strategies for bullish, bearish and range-bound markets. It will also help you select the right strategy to use based on the prevailing market situation. Here is how:

  • Simple and clear explanation of each strategy

  • The trade set up of each strategy

  • When to initiate and exit the trade

  • Break-even point and payoff scenarios for each strategy

  • How option Greeks impact option premiums and profitability

  • Hedging strategies for protecting your portfolio

  • Plus: Strategy Selection Ready-Reckoner with specific guidance on how and when to deploy each strategy.

You can often end up losing profitable trading opportunities if you don’t know which strategy to trade when. This book resolves such issues and confusion by equipping you with the knowledge and confidence to select, and deploy, the right strategy which is in sync with the market.

Other Bestseller by Ashish Singh

Ashish Singh

From the author:
“Hi, there! My name is Ashish Singh, and I am from a very humble background from the eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh. After completing college in 2007, I came to Mumbai and started working in the IT industry. Since I had an interest in the Indian stock market and how it works, I started reading about it

"Gradually, I heard about derivatives trading, started reading about it, and was completely awestruck with all the permutation and combinations it offers a trader. Since I had the cushion of a job to financially support my passion, I started trading after the 2008 market crash. Markets were in a recovery mode at that time, so buying options gave me good profits but the real lessons — read, losses — and dynamics I learnt when the markets were stagnant in 2010. Through this book, I am sharing with you learnings decade-long and experience of options trading.”

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