The Luck Factor
Why some people are luckier than others and how you can become one of them
Max Gunther
The Luck Factor : Max Gunther : Vision Books : Book (ISBN: 8170948037)
Pages: 212
Price: Rs. 295 Format: Paperback
ISBN13/10: 9788170948032 / 8170948037
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Published in 2010
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Table of Contents
We can't see it, or touch it, but we can feel it. We all know it when we
experience it. But can we harness it to our own advantage?
us on a richly anecdotal ride through the more popular theories and historic
instances of luck, Max
Gunther unearths the 5 traits lucky people have in common — and which can
change your luck:
The Spiderweb Structure — The luckiest men and women are those who
take the trouble to form a great many friendly contacts with other people.
The Hunching
Skill — Lucky
people have the capacity to generate accurate hunches, and then to trust
them and act on them.
Fortuna Juvat — Boldness
seems to create good luck. As a group, lucky people tend to be bold people.
The Ratchet
Effect — Lucky
people typically seem to know how to discard bad luck before it becomes
worse luck.
The Pessimism
— Lucky
people are generally happy but never assume they are fortune's chosen ones.
In fact, lucky people expect to be hit by bad luck — and prepare for it..
is a most compelling and readable book on the fascinating subject of luck. Come,
change yours.
| Reviews
 | "A fascinating read . . . interesting, thought provoking. Highly recommended." — Valerie Dwyer, My Wonderful Life Coach |
| |
Max Gunther
Max Gunther
(1926-1998), born in England, went to the United States when he was 11 years
old, attended schools in New Jersey and received his BA from Princeton
University in 1949. He served in the US Army in 1950 and 1951 and was a staff
member of Business Week from 1951 to 1955. Mr Gunther then served as a
contributing editor of Time for two years. From 1956 he published
articles in several magazines, including Playboy. Among his other books
are The
Zurich Axioms, The Luck Factor, Instant Millionaires, Wall Street & Witchcraft
How to Get Lucky.
Gunther lived in Ridgefield, Connecticut, where his wife was a real-estate
broker. They had three children. The author said that his diversions included
surfing and skating, carving chess sets and playing chess, and painting.
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