The Divorce Handbook
Your Guide to Marriage and Divorce Laws
Rajesh Talwar
The Divorce Handbook : Rajesh Talwar : Vision Books : Book (ISBN: 8170943515)
Pages: 128
Price: Rs. 125 Format: Paperback
ISBN13/10: / 8170943515
Availability: Yes
Published in 1999
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Your Guide to
Marriage and Divorce Laws
This book explains
simply and clearly the various legal procedures which govern marriage and
divorce among different religious communities in the country.
The procedure for getting married in court
Common — and unusual — grounds for divorce or annulment
of marriage
When you should seek annulment of your marriage rather
than a divorce
When judicial separation may be preferable to a divorce
The laws governing the grant of maintenance to a
dependant spouse
The legal rules which apply to questions of child custody
and support
How property gets divided between the divorcing couple
How long it takes to obtain a divorce
How expensive it is
The best way to get divorced.
Divorce is a traumatic affair, not only for the couple
concerned and their children; often even their respective parents, brothers,
sisters and friends get dragged into a messy, bitter and prolonged dispute.
Then, too, rarely do divorce-seekers realise what all it involves; typically
lawyers don’t give you the full picture right in the beginning and, even if they
do, the implications don’t always sink in.
This book is essential reading for anyone who may be
contemplating marriage or divorce. It is equally useful for marriage counsellors
and social workers for the clear perspective it offers about the options and
legal rights pertaining to marriage and divorce — minus all the daunting legal
Rajesh Talwar
Rajesh Talwar
studied Negotiation at
Harvard, Human
Rights Law at Nottingham, and Law and
Economics at Delhi University. He has
worked for the United Nations on legal
and justice-related issues in Somalia,
Liberia, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Timor-
Leste. Prior to working for the UN, he
practised law and taught law at Delhi
University and Jamia Millia Islamia. He
the author of more than a dozen books,
many of which are available and listed
www.amazon.com/author/rajeshtalwar. Most
recently he has written Making Your
Own Will (Vision Books, 2013) and
Courting Injustice: The Nirbhaya Case
and Its Aftermath (Hay House, 2013).
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