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Shares for Investment and Wealth
A Guide to Investing Wisely in the Stock Market

Raghu Palat
Bestseller! 3rd Edition

"Simple and easy to follow with numerous illustrations. Useful and well written." — The Times of India  ..more

 Price: Rs. 399.00
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How to Profit from Technical Analysis (2nd Edition)
A Beginner's Guide

Rajiv D. Khatlawala

This bestselling beginner's guide shows how you can profit from what the market is telling you. ..more

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Balance Sheets
Contents, Analysis & Interpretation

Hemant R. Dani
Intelligently analysed, the balance sheet and profit and loss account are of crucial importance for investors. These key financial statements reveal both the apparent and the underlying financial health of a company. ..more

 Price: Rs. 495.00
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10 Commandments for Financial Freedom
How to Stop Worrying About Money — Forever!

Mehrab Irani

"These 10 commandments . . . permanently free (you) from money problems."H N Sinor, CEO, Association for Mutual Funds in India ..more

 Price: Rs. 295.00
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The Rich Investor
How to Avoid Common Investing Mistakes and Build Wealth

Arjun Parthasarathy
How to avoid common investing mistakes — and grow rich. ..more

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The Complete Guide to Investing in Exchange Traded Funds
How to Earn High Rates of Return — Safely

Martha Maeda
There are compelling benefits of investing and trading in ETFs. This book reveals how you can do so profitably and safely.

"ETFs constitute an advance (over) . . . mutual funds". ..more

 Price: Rs. 199.00
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Making Your Own Will
How to do it! Why you should do it

Rajesh Talwar
The book explains simply and clearly everything you need to know about making your Will.

"Condensed brilliantly in a nutshell ... A must read"The Hindu ..more

 Price: Rs. 145.00
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अपनी वसीयत कैसे बनाएँ (Apni Vasiyat Kaise Banayen)
वसीयत द्वारा अपनी सम्पति का बंटवारा अपनी इच्छानुसार कैसे करें ।

रामनिवास लखोटिया , सुभाष लखोटिया
वसीयत द्वारा अपनी सम्पत्ति का अपनी इच्छानुसार बंटवारा करने का सहज उपाय है। ऐसा करने से आप भविष्य में होने वाली किसी भी तरह की पारिवारिक कलह की सम्भावना को भी खत्म कर सकते हैं। ..more

 Price: Rs. 250.00
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The Invincible Investor
10 Top Financial Planners Reveal the Secrets of Loss-Proof Investing

Global Financial Planners
Packed in this innovative book are the secrets of loss-proof investing by ten top international investment advisers.
"Real world advice from real experts” ..more

 Price: Rs. 280.00
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The New Commonsense Guide to Mutual Funds
Mary Rowland
One of America's pre-eminent financial journalists, cuts through the hype and confusion surrounding mutual funds and tells you exactly what you need to know.
“Remarkable! ”John C. Bogle ..more

 Price: Rs. 190.00
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The Basics of Speculating
Gerald Krefetz
How to speculate most profitably with your hard earned money
This book tackles in detail the most popular financial instruments used for speculation: stocks, bonds, options, futures, commodities and precious metals, etc. ..more

Sub-Categories of Investment, Stock Market and Personal Finance

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