Part I : Form and Contents
Chapter 1: What is a Balance Sheet
Chapter 2: What does a Balance Sheet Tell Us
Chapter 3: Who is Interested in a Balance Sheet and Why
Chapter 4: Share Capital and How It is Raised
Chapter 5: The Meaning of Reserves
Chapter 6: What is Net Worth or Owners' Equity
Chapter 7: Long-term Loans and Gearing
Chapter 8: Current Liabilities
Chapter 9: Provisions and What They are for
Chapter 10: Fixed Assets, Depreciation, and Cash-flow
Chapter 11: Miscellaneous Assets
Chapter 12: Current Assets, Loans, and Advances
Chapter 13: Working Capital and Its Importance
Chapter 14: Profit and Loss Account
Part II : Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 15: Introduction to Analysis
Chapter 16: Interpretation of Comparative Statements
Chapter 17: Interpretation of Trend Relatives
Chapter 18: Common-size Statements
Chapter 19: Analysis of Working Capital
Chapter 20: Introduction to Ratio Analysis
Chapter 21: Analysis of Current Financial Condition
Chapter 22: Analysis of Long-term Financial Condition
Chapter 23: Analysis of Income, Costs, and Profit
Chapter 24: The Cash-flow Statement
Chapter 25: Statement of Changes in Net Working Capital
Chapter 26: Statement of Sources and Applications of Funds