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Red Joker Rules
The 35 Rules of Gambling That All Investors
Should Know

Pat Holland Red Joker Rules : Pat Holland : Vision Books : Book (ISBN: 817094791X)
Pages: 176
Price: Rs. 295
Format: Paperback
ISBN13/10: 9788170947912 / 817094791X
Not available
Published in 2010
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Table of Contents

What Investors Can Learn from Gamblers

This is a sparkling book of advice from a gambler to traders and investors.

Both situations begin with a common pool of money. Through a mixture of skills, self-control and sheer luck, some players gain more than others.

The skills that spell success in gambling have, over time, been distilled into a number of "rules". This book reveals 35 such rules. It is fascinating to see how you can profit by correctly applying these rules to investing and trading.

The caveat, though, is that you must thoroughly understand the rules you use. As the author puts it, "Professional gamblers put a good deal of study . . . before they risk their money. You can similarly improve your investment edge by mastering a few likely investing situations."


"The best things in life come in simple forms, as the saying goes. Many market gurus swear by market trading techniques that are deceptively simple and easy to comprehend. 

This book smashes the myth that a market beating blue print has to be complex and requires a rocket scientist to beat the benchmarks.

 Pat Holland describes rules that are an excellent set of tools to maintain a regimen of self discipline required to keep your cool in the market. 

The book looks deceptively simple but definitely packs a powerful punch. A must read for the stock market player."   — Vijay L. Bhambwani

"This book dazzles . . . essential reading for any investor who wants to gain from a few pearls of gaming wisdom"   Casino Online

Pat Holland

Pat Holland, B.Sc. has been a maths teacher and a recreational gambler for most of his life. Today he works as a freelance writer and takes an interest in the world of investment.

He has long been interested in the common links between the principles of gambling and those of investment, and has been gathering the material for this book for many years.

Pat Holland is married with three grown-up children, and is the author of three previous books and several thousand articles.

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